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Paolo Levi



Luca Dall'Olio's landscapes are the result of a fantastic fire, of a particular taste for the color that spreads itself on the surface of the support in his fluid drafts, thick and vibrant and definitely original. The drawing sets up a dreamlike universe, where the forms of nature and imaginative constructions become simple geometric forms, non-decorative but of a direct decoding.  In his pied and variegated painting, it is the visible surface the important one, and it's difficult to find out the symbolic meanings that lie under these metaphoric episodes, perhaps real parables. In reality, Luca Dall'Olio is not an improvising painter. He contemplates and plans and through the sophisticated beauty of his colors, tells the stories of the human condition, presented in a lyric key that enlaces with a subtle moral warning, that can be understood only by the good observer, who can catch it inside his precious elements. Moreover, the people who look at his work should achieve to catch the precious visual poetic that is made on tonal references, on the pigments mix, on the flighty tracks of an imagination that can describe what we see only in dreams. In many of his art works the palette chooses a predominant line of pigments, influencing the others by the consonances of the different colors and the dissonances of the complementary colors. The atmosphere seems unreal, artificial, still and silent, even without a glimmer of wind. We can see it especially in the Mediterranean Nights, a marriage between blues and greens, where the yellow presence of the stars and the moon on a splendid sky, can call once again, the white waves of the foamy sea.

Every landscape element is treaceble from some words of the titles: ruins of greek columns, maritime pinewoods, a lighthouse that divides in two the sight, some constructions with sharp roofs, that remind us old tower bells or some of the suburban churches. Really unusual, but always cultured and enigmatic, the titles of Dall'Olio' s paintings: “Dai convinciti che è così”, for example, not only represents the green landscape with red castels, but maybe also an interrupted conversation, or suspended, and ready to be taken in another occasion, maybe adding some more magic situations. Unveiled the meaning of “Non mi ricordo chi sei....” , maybe we are in front of an autobiographic moment, a sea representation, a polaroid of a memory, envelopped in the sweet warmth of a happy event, a cristalization of time and space, both in a mental game, where the past is a gentle and ideal revisit.

"Quando il desiderio correva nel sangue" is finally an intense simphony of reds and oranges that draw a hilly landscape broken by a stream of water of a bright light blue, where two constructions confront each other: an ancient fortress and a castle with enlightened windows: they can allude to the feminine and the masculine who confront each other, as said before, or to the love tout court, to the universal blood boiling that preludes to life and happyness.


Paolo Levi

© 2021 by Phil Taylor Prod.

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